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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea. commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos
  • Ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum Deleniti
  • atque corrupti quos dolores et quas Molestias excepturi
  • sint occaecati cupiditate non Provident, similique
  • sunt culpa qui officia deserunt Mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga
100,000+ databases migrated to AWS 10,000+ data lakes and data warehouses deployed on AWS Hundreds of thousands of customers rely on AWS Databases

AWS Pi Day 2022

Amazon S3 was launched 16 years ago on Pi Day, March 14, 2006 as the first generally available AWS service. Last year, for Amazon S3's 15th anniversary, we looked back at a decade and a half of invention, innovation, and customer obsession. Join us this year to learn about how Amazon S3 is the foundation to helping you reinvent your business with data.

Attend the 2nd annual AWS Pi Day virtual event on March 14, 2022 hosted on the AWS channel on Twitch as we celebrate 16 years of innovation with Amazon S3. During this educational event, we'll dive into how you can leverage S3 to keep your data protected, put your data to work to gain insights, and optimize your storage costs.

The event is ideal for anyone who is eager to learn more about:

  •  How S3 can help your business thrive with innovative storage solutions
  •  How S3 is architected for elasticity, security, availability, and durability
  •  How to use the S3 storage classes to automate cost savings, eliminate operational complexities, and gain new insights

Virtual Event Agenda

Virtual Event Agenda

  • Over the last 16 years, Amazon S3 has set off a wave of innovation that has disrupted traditional technology and effectively launched cloud computing, which now powers our world. In celebration of 16 years of innovation that our customers have inspired, we are diving into how S3 continues to provide the foundation to help you reinvent your business with data. With technology as the enabler of innovation, AWS Storage is uniquely positioned to help your organization shift to an operating model optimized for innovation.

  • Managing Amazon S3 security at scale
    Amazon S3 provides a number of security features to consider as you develop and expand your workloads in the cloud. In this session, learn about the security features that help simplify security management for your data stored in S3. We dive deep into some of the recent launches such as Object ownership enhancements and Policy validation that help you manage access control to your data in S3.
    9:55am - 10:30am PT | 12:55pm - 1:30pm ET
  • Data protection and compliance with Amazon S3
    With Amazon S3, your data is secure by default and you can also take advantage of a range of features and capabilities that help you verify data integrity, avoid misconfigurations, and manage access to your data. In this session, learn how to protect your data in Amazon S3 so your data meets compliance requirements and is secured against corruptions and unintended deletions.
    10:30am - 11:05am PT | 1:30pm - 2:05pm ET
  • Building resilient, multi-Region storage architectures using S3 Replication and S3 multi-Region access points
    Minimizing access latency, improving operational efficiency, and meeting data compliance and resiliency goals are all reasons to pursue a robust multi-Region storage architecture. In this session, dive deep into Amazon S3 Replication and learn best practices for using Same-Region Replication (SRR), Cross-Region Replication (CRR), and Replication Time Control (RTC) to replicate new data, S3 Batch Replication to replicate and synchronize existing data, and multi-Region Access Points (MRAP) to simplify building multi-Region applications in S3.
    11:05am - 11:45am PT | 2:05pm - 2:45pm ET
  • Pi with a PE: Security and access controls for your Amazon S3 data lake
    Strong adherence to architecture best practices and proactive controls is the foundation of storage security and access controls. Learn best practices for data security in Amazon S3. In this session, we'll discuss the fundamentals of S3 security architecture and deep dive into the latest enhancements in usability and functionality. We'll investigate options for access control, security monitoring, auditing, and remediation.
    11:45am - 12:15pm PT | 2:45pm - 3:15pm ET
  • Badge that! AWS Object and Block learning badges
    Whether you’re new to AWS or an experienced cloud builder, earning a digital badge is an achievement that will solidify your knowledge of AWS topics and benefit your career development. In this session, join us to learn how to get started on your digital badge journey today so that you can grow your storage skills with confidence.
    12:15pm - 12:45pm PT | 3:15pm - 3:45pm ET
  • Centralize and automate data protection of your applications with AWS Backup
    AWS Backup is deepening support for stateful AWS services and workloads on premises. This session provides a deep dive on AWS Backup support for Amazon S3 along with a walk through of its other features. Join this session to also get an overview of key AWS Backup launches, such as AWS Backup for Amazon S3, cross-Region and cross-account backups of Amazon DynamoDB, Backup Audit Manager, Backup Vault Lock, and VMware backups.
    12:45pm - 1:10pm PT | 3:45pm - 4:10pm ET

  • Optimize your storage costs using Amazon S3
    Effective storage cost optimization can require different approaches depending on application latency and access patterns. This session reviews key considerations for storing data in frequently accessed, infrequently accessed, and long-term backup and archive storage classes. Learn how Amazon S3 optimizes your costs with a range of storage classes and features. 
    1:10pm - 1:40pm PT | 4:10pm - 4:40pm ET
  • Serverless applications with Amazon S3: Transform data with S3 Object Lambda
    Well-designed serverless applications are typically a combination of managed services connected by custom business logic. Join this session to learn about one of the most powerful combinations for enterprise application development, Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda, and how you can build scalable serverless applications while reducing developer workload by using S3 Object Lambda to add your own code to process data retrieved from S3 before it is returned to an application.
    1:40pm - 2:15pm PT | 4:40pm - 5:15pm ET
  • Modernize your data archive with the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes
    The vast majority of data in the world is cold. Using the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes, businesses can safely and securely store data for years or decades without worrying about expensive and finicky tape drives or off-premises tape archival services. This session covers the unique challenges for managing cold data as well as best practices for addressing key archiving guidelines with the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes. You'll learn about different options for ingesting and restoring your data at petabyte scale while taking into consideration accessibility, cost, and different tiers of performance.
    2:15pm - 2:50pm PT | 5:15pm - 5:50pm ET
  • Gain storage observability and insights with S3 Storage Lens
    If you have an increasing number of Amazon S3 buckets spread across dozens or even hundreds of accounts, then you can benefit from S3 Storage Lens. S3 Storage Lens is an analytics feature designed to help you gain organization-wide visibility into your object storage usage and identify cost-saving opportunities. In this session, learn about storage observability use cases with S3 Storage Lens.
    2:50pm - 3:25pm PT | 5:50pm - 6:25pm ET
  • Build a scalable, performant data lake on Amazon S3
    Flexibility, security, performance, and optimizing costs are key when building and scaling a data lake. The analytics solutions you use in the future will almost certainly be different from the ones you use today. Choosing the right storage foundation gives you the agility to quickly experiment and migrate with the latest analytics solutions. In this session, explore the best practices for optimizing your storage, performance, and costs when building a data lake in Amazon S3 and in the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes.
    3:25pm - 4:00pm PT | 6:25pm - 7:00pm ET
  • Accelerate your storage migration
    Are you ready to migrate data to the cloud? Whether you’re building a data lake, archiving data, or migrating workloads to the cloud, knowing how to successfully move your data securely and efficiently are crucial to your migration plan’s success. In this session, learn how you can use AWS Cloud Data Migration services to accelerate your journey to the cloud. We’ll cover key use cases and how to get started with AWS DataSync, and discuss options for large-scale, petabyte migrations with AWS Snow Family.
    4:00pm - 4:40pm PT | 7:00pm - 7:40pm ET

  • Join Jeff Barr, VP AWS Evangelism, as he gives his unique perspective on Amazon S3 over the last 16 years. Jeff will also discuss the new AWS Storage capabilities and solutions that enable you to innovate continuously, extract value from data efficiently, and modernize IT rapidly.

Event Agenda

  • Keynote
  • Infrastructure Protection
  • Threat Detection & Incident Response
  • Identity
  • Data Protection
  • GRC
  • Track7 Session 1
  • Track8 Session 1
  • Track9 Session 1
  • Track10 Session 1


AWS Security: Where we are, where we're going, and best practices

AWS CISO, Steve Schmidt, talks about the latest updates from AWS Security, looks to the horizon in cybersecurity, and shares Top 10 Security tips to help improve your account in 2022.

Infrastructure Protection

Builders patching at scale: It doesn't have to be hard

Patching is rarely an easy thing, and patching a heterogeneous environment is even more difficult. However, with AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager, you can automate patching across multiple types of operating systems (OSs), development environments, and software packages. In this hands-on builders session, we demonstrate Systems Manager Patch Manager to create patching baselines for multiple OSs and software packages, organize instances by OS and tags, and push patches while monitoring compliance. To participate, all you need is your laptop. AWS provides an AWS account.

Data Center 360

Join us for a session about Data Center 360.

Threat Detection & Incident Response

Detecting ransomware with AWS security services

In this hands-on session, build AWS Security Hub custom insights and Amazon GuardDuty filters based on threat intelligence data. Learn how to configure log aggregation to query for known ransomware, and automatically respond to threats by turning playbooks into AWS Systems Manager automation documents. After you build, run through a scenario where you get to use these tools to detect and respond to a simulated ransomware event pattern.

Enable your security analysts

Security analysts are under constant pressure to take meaningful action against security incidents. You can cut down on response time by enabling your security operations centers to have access to critical data that gives them a better understanding of the who, what, and where during these events. Although many of security responses are automated, analysts are still required to keep expanding their scope by reviewing additional information. This session reviews services that operationalize your security team’s ability to correlate large amounts of data across multiple AWS security services by enabling your security teams in threat hunting, alert triage, and incident investigation.


Scaling access management for enterprise customers

In this session, deploy a serverless AWS SSO solution that integrates enterprise identity access and governance use cases, including organizational provisioning and periodic attestation of access, as well as solution extension for additional features. You will need JavaScript skills to make the most out of the session. You will be provided a set of AWS accounts for this session.

AuthN and AuthZ patters for serverless applications

In this session, learn different patterns and options available for authentication (AuthN) and authorization (AuthZ) of AWS serverless applications. Explore AuthN and AuthZ options based on application types such as business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B). Dive deep into authorization options like JWT authorizer, IAM authorizer, and Lambda authorizer at the API Gateway layer. Also, learn about AWS services like Amazon Cognito, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS Lambda. To participate, all you need is your laptop. AWS provides an AWS account.

The journey to least privilege on AWS

We have a collective responsibility to work toward a least privilege access model. This session discusses approaches to implementing least privilege and the techniques you can use to continuously update access across your environment. You’ll learn about creating logical isolation boundaries for your data and applications using AWS accounts, applying guardrails to allow your developers to experiment, innovate safely using identity and access management policies, and right-size access permissions using AWS IAM Access Analyzer and other techniques. Bring your questions and experiences to share!

Data Protection

Use Nitro Enclaves to isolate and process highly sensitive data:

Join this builders' session to learn how to isolate highly sensitive data from your users, applications, and third-party libraries on your Amazon EC2 instances using AWS Nitro Enclaves. In this hands-on session, explore Nitro Enclaves, learn common use cases, and build and run your own enclave. Also, learn about enclave isolation, cryptographic attestation, enclave image files, local vsock communication channels, common debugging scenarios, and the enclave lifecycle. To participate, all you need is your laptop. AWS provides an AWS account.

Automation workflows with Amazon Macie

Amazon Macie is a fully-managed privacy and data security service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to help you protect your sensitive data on AWS. Customers often ask how to extend Macie to other services or applications using automation workflows, so a brief summary of Macie will be provided, followed by examples of automated workflows to meet specific use cases. Discover how Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, and AWS Systems Manager can help set up automation workflows to send Macie findings to a Jira project, a Slack workspace, a custom third-party application, or Amazon QuickSight for data visualization.


Building custom frameworks with AWS Audit Manager

The AWS Audit Manager framework library is the central location where you can access and manage frameworks. You can create custom frameworks to organize control sets in a way that suits your unique requirements. In this stream, you’ll learn how to build a customized framework through the AWS Management Console. Additionally, learn from customer use cases about how to use automation with AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to build custom frameworks at scale.

Running PCI compliant serverless workloads

Join this session to learn more about how you build a serverless payment application implemented with Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Cognito.

Track7 Session 1

Tab 7 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track8 Session 1

Tab 8 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track9 Session 1

Tab 9 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track10 Session 1

Tab 10 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Multiple City Registration

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  • JAN 21 2020
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The Meteropolitian
233 south wacker drive, 67th floor, Chicago, Illinois 60606

What to Expect

Executive Keynote

AWS Experts

Live Demos

Why attend?

Whether you're new to the cloud or an experienced user, learn from AWS experts and AWS leaders about security best practices and security service deep dives. Get insight into the future of cloud security and have your questions answered by experts.

Who should attend?

Technologists and security practitioners, with varying levels of expertise, who are interested in learning about AWS Security services and live demos. However, all individuals, from technical to business decision-makers, are welcome to attend and will benefit from the content.

Session Proficiency Levels Explained

  • Level 100


    Sessions will focus on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic

  • Level 200


    Sessions will focus on providing best practices, details of service features and demos with the assumption that attendees have introductory knowledge of the topics

  • Level 300


    Sessions will dive deeper into the selected topic. Presenters assume that the audience has some familiarity with the topic, but may or may not have direct experience implementing a similar solution

  • Level 400


    Sessions are for attendees who are deeply familiar with the topic, have implemented a solution on their own already, and are comfortable with how the technology works across multiple services, architectures, and implementations

About the Event

Who Should Attend

Quis Nostrud Exercitation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est. laborum.

Excepteur Sint

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Featured Speakers

  • Raju Gulabani, VP of Databases, Analytics & AI, AWS

    Raju Gulabani is VP of Databases, Analytics & AI within AWS at He is responsible for P&<, product management, engineering and operations for Database services such as Amazon Aurora and Amazon DynamoDB, and Analytics services such as Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR, as well as AI services like Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition. Prior to joining Amazon in his current position in 2010, Raju spent four years at Google and built the Google Apps business (now known as G Suite).Earlier in his career, Raju founded an Intel backed Wi-Fi Voice over IP company as well as held engineering management positions at Microsoft.

  • Ryan Kelly, Data Architect, Equinox

    Ryan Kelly is a data architect at Equinox, where he helps outline and implement frameworks for data initiatives. He also leads clickstream tracking which helps aid teams with insights on their digital initiatives. Ryan loves making it easier for people to reach and ingest their data for the purposes of business intelligence, analytics, and product/service enrichment. He also loves exploring and vetting new technologies to see how they can enhance what they do at Equinox

  • Richard Boyd, Cloud Data Engineer, iRobot

    Richard Boyd is a cloud data engineer with the iRobot Corporation’s Cloud Data Platform where he builds tools and services to support the world’s most beloved vacuum cleaner. Before joining iRobot, Richard built discrete event simulators for Amazon’s automated fulfillment centers in Amazon Robotics. His previous roles include cyber warfare systems analyst at MIT and research for the Center for Army Analysis. He holds advanced degrees in Applied Mathematics & Statistics.

  • Raju Gulabani, VP of Databases, Analytics & AI, AWS

    Raju Gulabani is VP of Databases, Analytics & AI within AWS at He is responsible for P&<, product management, engineering and operations for Database services such as Amazon Aurora and Amazon DynamoDB, and Analytics services such as Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR, as well as AI services like Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition. Prior to joining Amazon in his current position in 2010, Raju spent four years at Google and built the Google Apps business (now known as G Suite).Earlier in his career, Raju founded an Intel backed Wi-Fi Voice over IP company as well as held engineering management positions at Microsoft.

  • Ryan Kelly, Data Architect, Equinox

    Ryan Kelly is a data architect at Equinox, where he helps outline and implement frameworks for data initiatives. He also leads clickstream tracking which helps aid teams with insights on their digital initiatives. Ryan loves making it easier for people to reach and ingest their data for the purposes of business intelligence, analytics, and product/service enrichment. He also loves exploring and vetting new technologies to see how they can enhance what they do at Equinox

  • Richard Boyd, Cloud Data Engineer, iRobot

    Richard Boyd is a cloud data engineer with the iRobot Corporation’s Cloud Data Platform where he builds tools and services to support the world’s most beloved vacuum cleaner. Before joining iRobot, Richard built discrete event simulators for Amazon’s automated fulfillment centers in Amazon Robotics. His previous roles include cyber warfare systems analyst at MIT and research for the Center for Army Analysis. He holds advanced degrees in Applied Mathematics & Statistics.

  • Raju Gulabani, VP of Databases, Analytics & AI, AWS

    Raju Gulabani is VP of Databases, Analytics & AI within AWS at He is responsible for P&<, product management, engineering and operations for Database services such as Amazon Aurora and Amazon DynamoDB, and Analytics services such as Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR, as well as AI services like Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition. Prior to joining Amazon in his current position in 2010, Raju spent four years at Google and built the Google Apps business (now known as G Suite).Earlier in his career, Raju founded an Intel backed Wi-Fi Voice over IP company as well as held engineering management positions at Microsoft.

  • Ryan Kelly, Data Architect, Equinox

    Ryan Kelly is a data architect at Equinox, where he helps outline and implement frameworks for data initiatives. He also leads clickstream tracking which helps aid teams with insights on their digital initiatives. Ryan loves making it easier for people to reach and ingest their data for the purposes of business intelligence, analytics, and product/service enrichment. He also loves exploring and vetting new technologies to see how they can enhance what they do at Equinox

  • Richard Boyd, Cloud Data Engineer, iRobot

    Richard Boyd is a cloud data engineer with the iRobot Corporation’s Cloud Data Platform where he builds tools and services to support the world’s most beloved vacuum cleaner. Before joining iRobot, Richard built discrete event simulators for Amazon’s automated fulfillment centers in Amazon Robotics. His previous roles include cyber warfare systems analyst at MIT and research for the Center for Army Analysis. He holds advanced degrees in Applied Mathematics & Statistics.

  • Raju Gulabani, VP of Databases, Analytics & AI, AWS

    Raju Gulabani is VP of Databases, Analytics & AI within AWS at He is responsible for P&<, product management, engineering and operations for Database services such as Amazon Aurora and Amazon DynamoDB, and Analytics services such as Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR, as well as AI services like Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition. Prior to joining Amazon in his current position in 2010, Raju spent four years at Google and built the Google Apps business (now known as G Suite).Earlier in his career, Raju founded an Intel backed Wi-Fi Voice over IP company as well as held engineering management positions at Microsoft.

  • Ryan Kelly, Data Architect, Equinox

    Ryan Kelly is a data architect at Equinox, where he helps outline and implement frameworks for data initiatives. He also leads clickstream tracking which helps aid teams with insights on their digital initiatives. Ryan loves making it easier for people to reach and ingest their data for the purposes of business intelligence, analytics, and product/service enrichment. He also loves exploring and vetting new technologies to see how they can enhance what they do at Equinox

  • Richard Boyd, Cloud Data Engineer, iRobot

    Richard Boyd is a cloud data engineer with the iRobot Corporation’s Cloud Data Platform where he builds tools and services to support the world’s most beloved vacuum cleaner. Before joining iRobot, Richard built discrete event simulators for Amazon’s automated fulfillment centers in Amazon Robotics. His previous roles include cyber warfare systems analyst at MIT and research for the Center for Army Analysis. He holds advanced degrees in Applied Mathematics & Statistics.

Customer Highlights

Epic Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.

Epics Games

Yelp Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Airbnb Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Lyft Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.



Q: Where is this event?

A: This event is an online event, hosted by AWS on the INXPO platform.

Q: Who should attend this event?

A: Developers building data-driven apps; DBAs and data engineers who are building analytics infrastructure and data pipelines; Analysts and data scientists who are deriving insights that answer complex business quesions and building/trainining machine learning models.

Q: How much does this event cost?

A: There is no cost to attend this event.

Q: What are the prerequisites before attending the event?

A: There are no prerequisites for attending the event. We encourage attendees to browse the Database and Analytics pages on the AWS website to get a brief overview of the services available to them.