E-book: Video Processing and Delivery Moves to the Cloud

Making broadcast-grade video services simple, accessible and affordable



Does your organization deliver video at scale? Do you capture updates from company leadership and live stream them for remote employees, or record them for later viewing? Are you part of an enterprise that provides e-learning training and assets? If so, then you are a video provider.

This e-book is an in-depth resource for cloud investigators, planners and even doubters. Inside, you’ll find evidence of the business benefits. Download it and learn...

        • Why a growing number of companies are now in the business of providing professional-grade video to audiences
        • How video providers are adapting to industry changes
        • What the evolution of video means to every video provider
        • The strengths and shortcomings of conventional approaches to delivering video
        • Why video providers can no longer look to traditional video solutions for a strategic advantage
        • Which critical video processing and delivery functions can now be deployed as cloud services

Today, organizations of all kinds, from small streaming enterprises to large pay TV providers with 24/7 channels, have something in common: The ability to deploy video in the cloud quickly, easily and cost-effectively. Find out why cloud planning for video applications needs to be a part of your business plan.

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