AWS Innovators series: Accelerating business through data science
Learn how technology companies can leverage data science for growth

60 minutes

On-demand webinar details
Many businesses have massive amounts of data, but don't know how to use it to help their customers. There are valuable insights for users, but companies don't know where to start. Other organizations have started, but wonder if they can scale their efforts.

Watch the on-demand recording to learn how technology companies in government and education can successfully launch and manage a thriving data science team, integrating valuable insights into products. You'll hear from Dr. Adam Tashman, Executive Data Scientist and Insights Advisor at Amazon Web Services (AWS), on how businesses are transforming through innovation.

Watch now to learn how to:
  • Build a data science culture within teams
  • Differentiate between the data scientist role and the data engineering role
  • Identify and prioritize the high-value customer challenges
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