オンプレミス環境や IaaS により仮想化基盤を維持・運用していらっしゃるお客様は多いのではないでしょうか。オンプレミス環境では、ハードウェアやソフトウェアの保守期限到来にともなうリプレースが欠かせません。既存環境のまま更新することも選択肢のひとつですが、 AWS に移行することも有力な選択肢のひとつです。 AWS では、既存のオンプレミス環境・ IaaS 環境で稼働する仮想化基盤を、より柔軟性が高く新技術を適用しやすい基盤に移行するための様々な移行パスやツールをご用意しています。このセミナーでは、お客様が保有する既存の VMware 仮想化基盤を AWS に移行するための戦略として、最小限の変更で素早く VMware Cloud on AWS へ移行する戦略と、 AWS が提供する他の機能との連携がより容易な AWS ネイティブサービスに移行する戦略の双方をご紹介します。リプレース時期が迫った仮想化基盤を今後どうするかを検討されている方におすすめのセミナーです。


日時 2024 年 4 月 18 日(木)10:00 - 11:30 JST
申込方法 フォームに記載 (メールで Webinar アクセス用リンクが送信されます。)
参加費用 無料
推奨パソコン環境 ブラウザ環境:
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox (most recent 3 versions)

Computer: 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended) 




スピーカー:アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社
サービス&テクノロジー事業統括本部 技術本部長 小林 正人
事例から見る: オンプレミスから VMware Cloud on AWS への迅速な移行

VMware Cloud on AWS はお客様専用の VMware 仮想環境を AWS 上で提供するソリューションです。クラウド活用の第一歩として VMware Cloud on AWS を選択したお客様事例をもとに、サービス概要から具体的な移行手法についてご紹介します。より小規模なワークロードに向けた新しいインスタンスタイプ m7i.metal-24xl についても合わせてご紹介します。

スピーカー:アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社
Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect - VMware Cloud on AWS
武田 紘一
シームレスな統合: オンプレミスから AWS ネイティブサービスの移行

AWS ネイティブサービスの活用は、従来の仮想化基盤に比べて柔軟性や拡張性の向上をもたらします。例えば、いくつかの VMware の仮想マシンを Amazon EC2 インスタンスに移行することで、AWS ネイティブサービスとのシームレスな統合を実現できます。さらに、AWS Lambda や Amazon RDS などのサービスと組み合わせることで、より効率的なアプリケーション開発や運用が可能になります。このセッションでは、従来の仮想化基盤からAWS ネイティブサービスへの移行戦略とそれを支援する AWS のプログラムについて解説します。
スピーカー:アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社
Head of Japan Migrations and Modernization Solution Architects
内村 友亮


This event is designed to help New Zealand public sector organisations across government, education, nonprofit, healthcare, and financial services navigate the increasingly complex and ever-evolving tech landscape.

Time (NZDT) Session
9:00 AM

Bernard Tan, Director, Cyber Security Group

9:05 AM

Introduction to the Well-Architected
Rajenikanth Anbanandan, Customer Solutions Manager, AWS

9:45 AM


10:15 AM

AWS Well-Architected: Security; Best practices
Agus Komang, Principal Security Solutions Architect, AWS
Jessica Ang, Security Solutions Architect, AWS

11:15 AM

A practical approach to Zero Day Protection
Luobin Wang, Snr Security Solutions Architect, AWS

11:45 AM

Simplifying the secure cloud architecting approach
Bernard Tan. Director, Cyber Security Group

Join session
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM NZST
Venue: Tākina Wellington Convention And Exhibition Centre, 50 Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

Data is playing a pivotal role in digital transformation of public sector organisations like education, government, utilities and healthcare, focusing on the success of the end consumers. Using the power of AWS cloud technology and analytics solutions, customers can accelerate their transformation journey and drive innovation like Generative AI.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Accelerating data journey with modern data architecture
  • Delivering use cases: Fraud Analytics, Citizen Experience
  • Building data products as service using data mesh
  • Integrating and leveraging the power of Generative AI


  • Karthik Murugan, APJ Head of Data, AWS
  • Saeed Barghi, APJ Senior Analytics Solutions Architect, AWS

Join session
Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM NZDT
Venue: Tākina Wellington Convention And Exhibition Centre, 50 Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

Join us for a virtual workshop to dive deep on building a scalable, fully managed data lake to store your data and run different types of analytics—from querying and visualisations to big data processing and machine learning to guide better decision. Learn about the capabilities of AWS’ serverless analytics services to ingest, store, transform, query, and visualize data to get insights from your data.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Address current and common data challenges
  • Build a cost-effective, scalable, secure data lake
  • Ingest, clean, enrich, and query the data lake
  • How to visualize the data using Amazon QuickSight

No previous knowledge of AWS is needed to participate.


  • Kevin Bell, ANZ Head of Higher Education & Research, AWS
  • Andre Sambade, Senior Education Solutions Architect, AWS

Breakout Tracks

Select one breakout track you would like to attend

This track will address how to build and operate modern applications at scale, enabling organizations to become more agile and respond to change faster.

Who should attend: Web & Container Developers, Solutions Architects, and builiders who want to build more advanced, maintainable, scalable and secure applications.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Workshop 1: Build a Full-Stack Application Without Being An Architect with AWS Amplify [AWS Amplify Core Workshop]

Unlock the potential of full-stack development with AWS Amplify. In this session, you will learn how to effortlessly create robust applications without delving into architectural complexities with the use of the AWS Amplify suite. During the workshop, you will use AWS Amplify to build and deploy the RetailStore demo application. The workshop will cover the use of Amplify Studio, Amplify Hosting, and the Amplify CLI to add functionality into the application. See how you can streamline frontend design, backend deployment, and more – all while focusing on your code.

Karthik Murugan, APJ Head of Data, AWS
Saeed Barghi, APJ Senior Analytics Solutions Architect, AWS

Kevin Bell, ANZ Head of Higher Education & Research, AWS

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Tea break

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Workshop 2: Build, release and operate your containerised applications with AWS Copilot [AWS Copilot Workshop]

In this workshop, you'll learn how to build, release and operate your containerised applications with AWS Copilot. The goal of this workshop is to help developers understand how to implement best practices on running containerized applications. The modules in this workshop is structured as a learning path, from a simple deployment, to implementing Pub/Sub and integrating Observability and Monitoring.

Dasapich Thongnopnua, Senior Solutions Architect, Thailand, AWS

Select track
Track added

This track will address how to build and operate modern applications at scale, enabling organizations to become more agile and respond to change faster.

Who should attend: Web & Container Developers, Solutions Architects, and builiders who want to build more advanced, maintainable, scalable and secure applications.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Workshop 1: Build a Full-Stack Application Without Being An Architect with AWS Amplify [AWS Amplify Core Workshop]

Unlock the potential of full-stack development with AWS Amplify. In this session, you will learn how to effortlessly create robust applications without delving into architectural complexities with the use of the AWS Amplify suite. During the workshop, you will use AWS Amplify to build and deploy the RetailStore demo application. The workshop will cover the use of Amplify Studio, Amplify Hosting, and the Amplify CLI to add functionality into the application. See how you can streamline frontend design, backend deployment, and more – all while focusing on your code.

Karthik Murugan, APJ Head of Data, AWS
Saeed Barghi, APJ Senior Analytics Solutions Architect, AWS

Kevin Bell, ANZ Head of Higher Education & Research, AWS

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Tea break

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Workshop 2: Build, release and operate your containerised applications with AWS Copilot [AWS Copilot Workshop]

In this workshop, you'll learn how to build, release and operate your containerised applications with AWS Copilot. The goal of this workshop is to help developers understand how to implement best practices on running containerized applications. The modules in this workshop is structured as a learning path, from a simple deployment, to implementing Pub/Sub and integrating Observability and Monitoring.

Dasapich Thongnopnua, Senior Solutions Architect, Thailand, AWS

Select track
Track added


Douglas Park

Douglas Park
Sr. Solutions Architect – Amazon Connect, AWS

Elias Sayigh

Elias Sayigh
Sr. Solutions Architect – Amazon Connect, AWS

Aurelien Plancque

Aurelien Plancque
Sr. Solutions Architect – Amazon Connect, AWS

Ritesh Khanna

Ritesh Khanna
Sr. Solutions Architect – Amazon Connect, AWS


Wendy Kho

Wendy Kho
Sales Lead, AWS

Yew Wei Sin

Yew Wei Sin
SMB Account Manager, AWS

Thalia Bondoc

Thalia Bondoc
CEO & Co Founder, Eduloco

Rina Ho

Rina Ho
CEO & Co Founder, Pistil Sdn Bhd

Brianna Chang

Brianna Chang
Product VP, PathLabs

Jia Qin Choong

Jia Qin Choong
Solutions Architect, AWS

Nurul Najihah

Nurul Najihah
Solutions Architect, AWS

Arun Surendran

Arun Surendran
Solutions Architect, AWS