入門雲端必備之AWS入門證照 取得免費課程及考照半價優惠

把握AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 改版前最終場備考課程取得證照!

立即註冊AWS 雲端培訓計劃(Cloud Fluency),取得AWS最受歡迎入門證照 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 半價考證優惠,還可免費享有官方講師親授「雲端基礎」與「證照備考」雙課程。

如果您是一名初學者,正在尋找一個明確的起點來協助您建置職業生涯或學習如何在 AWS 雲端實作解決方案,我們建議您從 AWS 雲端培訓計劃開始。

AWS 雲端培訓線上課程將於 2023 9 12 日舉行。課程内容(中文授課)如下:
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Essential Day 基本雲端概念精讀
  • Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 備考課程

參與 AWS 雲端培訓線上課程;(2) 免費完成 AWS 新帳號建立 (須為2023年後建立之新帳號);完成上述兩者,即可取得 AWS 雲端從業人員認證 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner)考照的半價優惠 (價值US$50)!您可以藉考照取得 AWS 頒發的認證來證明您的雲端技術能力,突顯出您對 AWS 雲端運算的整體理解程度。

註: 為了反映趨勢變化,產業佈局以及最佳雲端工作實務,AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 考試內容即將於2023年9月19日進行改版更新。本場次授課之內容為現有版本(CLF-C01),如果您正在準備此版本考試,請於2023年9月18日前完成(CLF-C01)的考試。參與活動取得之優惠折扣,可適用於現有版本(CLF-C01),或更新版本(CLF-C02)的考試。

爲什麽要參加這項計劃?取得 AWS 認證有什麽優勢?

此計劃旨在學習全新技能、展現自我潛能,為職涯發展加分。取得 AWS 雲端從業人員認證 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner可證明您具備對雲端服務的熟悉度和對 AWS 的基礎知識,幫助業界識別您是具有雲端相關知識的人才!您將通過從 AWS 獲得證書來建立自己的信譽和信心,並證明您擁有公司為未來創新所需的雲端技能。 91% 擁有 AWS 認證員工的組織表示,擁有這些員工可以促進 AWS 服務的創新。*當然,我們將為您提供免費培訓、資源與鼓勵,當然還能與 AWS 一同慶祝您的成就。

*資料來源: ESG Research Insights Paper Commissioned by AWS, Understanding the Value of AWS Certifications to Organizations, 2020.

如何取得 AWS 雲端從業人員認證考照優惠?

1. 於 2023 年 9 月 12 日 參與 AWS 雲端培訓線上課程

2. 免費完成 AWS 新帳號建立 (須為2023年後建立之新帳號),登入 AWS Console 管理主控台,搶先摸索使用介面、初探各式 AWS 雲端解決方案

完成上述兩個條件,我們將透過 Email 寄送優惠碼至您的信箱 (請確認帳號與報名活動使用的 Email 一致,以利識別),您可於獲得優惠碼後報名考試

如有任何問題歡迎發信至:[email protected]




Q:如果我已有 AWS 帳號,還需要創建新 AWS 帳號才有資格取得考試折扣嗎?



Q: 會後會提供課程簡報或錄影檔嗎?

A: 議程不提供影片回放與教材下載。如想複習本課程,請報名觀看我們的 隨選影片

Q: 考證折扣碼效期多久?

A: 取得折扣碼後,您可預約效期內 (約3個月) 的考試。一旦您取得折扣碼,請盡速完成預約考試日期,以維持動力朝目標前進。點此 報名考試

Intro body copy here about 2018 re:Invent launches.



Join peers globally to participate the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge. Follow the steps below:


  • Access our participant resource hub for everything you need in the challenge.
  • Get trained on your schedule with options for on-demand training.
  • Review whitepapers and documentation from the AWS team.


    • Review with an AWS trainer at an Exam Readiness session.
    • Use sample questions to know what to expect.
    • Schedule your exam, and use your 50% discount voucher. Terms and conditions apply.


  • Earn AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate.
  • Share your achievement to get recognized and celebrate!
  • Keep growing and find your next challenge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read through the frequently asked questions below if you have questions.

Q: Who can participate in the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge?

A: Any person that registers for the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge between June 1, 2021 - October 15, 2021 will be eligible to participate in the training sessions and webinars and eligible for the 50% discount exam voucher. Terms and conditions apply.

Q: Do I have to follow all of the training in order to complete the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge?

A: All training, review sessions, and preparation resources are optional for participants. The training curriculum provided is a recommended path of resources. If you feel ready to take the certification exam, you can go ahead and schedule your exam as soon as you feel prepared.

Q: In what languages will the challenge experience and the exam be available?

A: The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam is available to take in English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese. On August 26, 2021, the exam will also be available in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish (learn more). The Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge resource hub and related emails will also be available in English, Japanese, Korean, and Portuguese. Some resources linked from the resource hub will only be available in English. All training is available in English, with some limited availability in additional languages. Check the Learn and Prepare section on the resource hub for more information.

Q: What is the benefit of getting AWS Certified?

A: AWS Certifications build credibility and confidence by validating your cloud skills with an industry-recognized credential. Getting AWS Certified can help you propel your career, whether looking to find a new role, showcase your skills to take on a new project, or become your team’s go-to expert.

Q: How does staff getting AWS Certified benefit an organization?

A: AWS Certification helps organizations identify and cultivate skilled professionals who can improve cloud operations and drive innovation. Research by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) shows that AWS Certification can help organizations build faster, improve security, reduce downtime, improve deployment time, better innovate with AWS services, and attract and retain top talent.

Q: Is there any cost associated with the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge?

A: There is no cost to sign up or participate in the training and preparation sessions for the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge. All participants are eligible for a 50% discount exam voucher for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (terms and conditions apply). To earn the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification, participants must take and pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam, which costs 150 USD (or 75 USD with a 50% discount voucher).

Q: What are the dates of the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge?

A: Registration will be open from June 1, 2021 - October 15, 2021. To be recognized for meeting the Get AWS Certified: Solutions Architect Challenge, take and pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam before December 4, 2021.

Q: How do I take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam?

A. We offer exams through two test delivery providers, Pearson VUE and PSI. Both test delivery providers offer the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam for candidates to take in testing centers or at home via online proctoring. The 50% discount voucher is limited to use at Pearson VUE - see terms and conditionsLearn more about your testing options.

Q: How do I share my certification with my network?

A: We provide digital badges on Credly’s digital badging platform as a benefit of earning an AWS Certification to help you showcase your achievement. You can add your digital badge to your professional profiles, digital resumes, or email signatures. You can also share your digital badge as a post on social media to celebrate with your network.

Q: Is this challenge open to AWS Partners?

A: Yes, however you must use your AWS Partner email account in order to get full credit for the certification.

Q: Do I have to be AWS Certified to attend AWS re:Invent? Do I have to attend AWS re:Invent to join the challenge?

A: Anyone can join the challenge and set a goal to be AWS Certified before AWS re:Invent starts on November 29, 2021, whether you plan to attend the event or not. You don’t need to be AWS Certified to attend AWS re:Invent, but it’s a great time to show off your cloud knowledge and find your next challenge. Learn more about AWS re:Invent here.