
AWS 線上研討會重溫(廣東話)

APN Webinar with Rackspace: Hassle-free Database Migration to Cloud

Amazon Aurora 是專為雲端建立的 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 相容關聯式資料庫,結合了傳統企業資料庫的效能和可用性,以及開放原始碼資料庫的簡單與經濟實惠優勢。了解如何通過將資料庫遷移到新一代數據庫 Amazon Aurora 來加速您的應用程序現代化之旅,並協助您拓展業務。在本次線上研討會中,您將了解兩種雲原生數據庫遷移工具的功能,包括 AWS 數據庫遷移服務(DMS)和 AWS 架構轉換工具(SCT),以及它們如何協助您進行同構和異構遷移。


• 新一代數據庫 Amazon Aurora 的功能及優勢
• 可用於部署或遷移到 Amazon Aurora 的技術,涵蓋同構和異構資料庫遷移
• AWS 合作夥伴 Rackspace 可以如何助您加速資料庫遷移的旅程


About the speakers

Clovis Ng
Senior Partner Development Manager, Amazon Web Services

Clovis has been in the local ICT Industry for over 25 years For the past 2.5 year he has been developing the APN Partner community in Hong Kong and helping APN Partners to go through their Cloud Journey. Clovis began his career as a Sales Representative at IBM and prior to AWS, Clovis held various executive positions in several regional System Integrators responsible for their HK, Macau and South China Operations.

Clive Leung
Solution Architect, Asia Pacific, Rackspace

Clive Leung is the Solution Architect at Rackspace Asia. He has 20+ years of IT experience in Managed Service Providers, Technology Vendors and Telecommunications as Presales Architect. He has been helping customers ranging from mid-market corporates to large enterprises in various industries to transform their IT infrastructure to next-generation cloud services. Clive is a Certified Solution Architect Professional and dedicated to help customers drive success in the go-to-cloud journey.
