AWSome Day

立即提升你的數碼技能 | 2024 年 6 月 18 日 (星期二)


AWS 基礎雲端技術培訓

▌日期:2024 年 6 月 18 日 (星期二)

▌時間:下午 1:30 至 5:30


AWSome Day 是針對 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 雲端服務所設計的免費線上培訓活動。2024 年培訓課程除了介紹 AWS核心服務,包括儲存、資料庫管理、運算和網路、資訊安全等,是次課程還將包括物聯網 (IoT) 、人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence) 、機器學習 (Machine Learning) 及區塊鏈 (Blockchain) 等創新服務介紹!導師將以實作示範 (technical demos) 由淺入深帶你認識雲端世界。

焦點示範:利用 AI 撰寫內容


AWS 的專業講師將會深入淺出地以實作示範 (technical demos) 帶領大家了解 AWS 雲端核心概念。是次 AWSome Day 免費特設額外 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 認證備考攻略課程,適合有興趣考獲認證的人士,增強參加者考獲認證的信心!活動期間,參加者可以即時與線上 AWS 專家對話,了解更多 AWS 服務及認證考試詳情。

獲取證書、精美 AWS 紀念品及半價考試券*

完成 AWSome Day 培訓及活動問卷即可獲得出席證書。參加者於培訓期間完成小任務,更有機會獲得精美限量紀念品「AWS 全自動防風縮骨雨傘」及半價 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 認證考試券。


如未能出席 6 月 18 日課程,可預先報名 9 月 10 日課程。詳情將稍後公佈。


Welcome & Introduction to AWS

As we kickoff AWSome Day, we'll start with the basics: what is the cloud, the advantages of cloud computing, cloud deployment models, and AWS' global infrastructure.

Introduction to AWS Services: Compute & Storage

In this section, we'll introduce Compute by comparing the differences between physical and virtual servers and highlight Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). We will then transition to a short discussion on Storage, and the many scalable, durable, and cost-effective Storage options available through AWS.

Speaker(s): Dennis Adams, Sr AWS Technical Instructor, AWS
Duration: 60 minutes

Introduction to AWS Services: Databases & Networking

In this section, we'll showcase the power of purpose-built databases available through AWS. There's an option available to fit every organizational need. As we close this section, we will center on Networking, including Amazon Virtual Public Cloud and Elastic Load Balancing.

Introduction to AWS Services: Security

Security is AWS' top priority. Grounded in the Shared Responsibility Model, AWS' services are designed for security with a highly automated, accredited, and available posture.

Speaker(s): Dennis Adams, Sr AWS Technical Instructor, AWS
Duration: 60 minutes

Innovation with AWS

In this section we will discuss innovation opportunities through topics like Machine Learning, IoT, Edge Computing and more.

Closing Remarks

As we close AWSome Day, you’ll leave with resources that will kick-start your learning journey and prepare you to start building on AWS.

Speaker(s): Dennis Adams, Sr AWS Technical Instructor, AWS
Duration: 60 minutes