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AWS ExecLeaders 시리즈 3, "Healthy People, Healthy Planet"에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 비디오 쇼, 패널 디스커션, 그리고 더 자세히 탐구하는 워크샵에 참여하기 위해서는 등록이 필요합니다.


날짜: 3월 23일
시간: 오전 11시 – 11시 45분
세션 길이: 45 분

Featured Speakers:

  • Vismay Sharma, President South Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, L'Oréal.
  • Toshan Tamhane, Chief Digital Officer, UPL
  • Emma Lavelle, Chief Operations Officer, UneeQ
  • Tadahisa Terao, Senior Data Manager Data HQ, OMRON Healthcare
  • Nicholas Davis, Co-author of ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’

기후 변화와 팬데믹은 개인에서 지역 사회에 이르기까지 웰빙에 대한 우리의 초점을 더욱 날카롭게 했으며, 비즈니스 리더는 상품과 서비스를 생산하는 보다 지속 가능한 방법을 찾고 있습니다.

날짜: 3월 24일
시간: 오전 11시 – 11시 45분
세션 길이: 45 분

Featured Speakers:

  • Nicholas Davis, ExecLeaders Season Three Host & Co-Author of ‘Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution’
  • Dermot O’Gorman,Chief Executive Officer, WWF Australia
  • Andrew Parker, Chief Sustainability Officer, Qantas
  • Louise May, Managing Director of Strategy & Consulting, Accenture

지속 가능성은 규정 준수 또는 위험 문제가 아니라 기회입니다. Accenture, WWF Australia 및 Qantas 등의 패널리스트와 새로운 아이디어, 통찰력 공유는 물론 활발한 토론을 진행합니다.

날짜: 3월 25일
시간: 오후 2시 – 오후 3시
세션 길이: 60 분
언어: 영어(한국어 자막)

이 임원 워크숍에서는 클라우드에서 지속 가능성의 변화하는 트렌드를 탐구하고, 지속 가능성에 대한 AWS의 초점을 살펴보고 마지막으로 이 영역의 주요 프레임워크에 대한 기준을 제시합니다.


Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis
Author and former Head of Society and Innovation at the World Economic Forum
Nicholas is currently the Managing Director of SWIFT Partners, a Geneva-based technology consultancy, and a Professor of Practice at Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University. Former Head of Society and Innovation at the World Economic Forum Nicholas is an innovation expert who works with governments, international firms and civil society organisations to collaborate on global issues.

He led the Forum’s thought-leadership on the concept of “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, which focused on how new and emerging technologies are transforming industries, labour markets, societies and governments. Nicholas also oversaw the engagement with civil society communities and managed teams across the information technology, telecoms and media industries. With Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, he is the co-author of Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution, published in January 2018.
Vismay Sharma
Vismay Sharma
President South Asia Pacific, Middle East & North Africa, L’Oréal
Tadahisa Terao
Tadahisa Terao
Senior General Manager Data HQ, Omron Healthcare
Dermot O’Gorman
Dermot O’Gorman
Chief Executive Officer, WWF Australia
Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker
Chief Sustainability Officer, Qantas
Louise May
Louise May
Managing Director of Strategy & Consulting, Accenture
Emma Lavelle
Emma Lavelle
Chief Operations Officer, UneeQ
Toshan Tamhane
Toshan Tamhane
Chief Digital Officer, UPL

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