
About the free Digital Optimization Review Program

The free Digital Optimization Review Program is designed to enable small and medium businesses to identify the right set of solutions targeted towards their unique business needs through a comprehensive evaluation of their current digital setup and technical architecture, identification of pain points and gaps in their digital portfolio, and personalized recommendations by AWS’ certified and experienced cloud experts.

Who should participate?

If you are a small and medium business who wants to reduce your business cost and time with an optimized workflow but don’t know where to start, join us for this free Digital Optimization Review where our certified and experienced cloud experts will conduct a comprehensive review of your technical architecture to curate the right solution to meet your business needs.

Disclaimer: This program is on a first-come-first-serve basis with limited slots only. Selected participated will be contacted upon registration of interest.

Why Participate?

In this 2-3 hours consultation with our certified and experienced cloud experts, you will be entitled to

  • Comprehensive review on the current performance of your digital setup and architecture
  • Personalized recommendations to address your operational pain points with technology
  • Exclusive discounts (such as customized and cutting-edge solutions offered for free for up to 3-months) and support to enable you on your digital transformation journey

Registration Closed