Download your free copy of the new AWS e-book for ASEAN Startups

This introductory e-book is designed for all the Southeast Asian startups interested to understand how they can work with AWS, make the most of our programs and get inspired by success stories.

"We received feedback from many entrepreneurs, like yourself, and decided to start this guide so that we can do our part to help founders. You’ll learn how you can work with AWS, make the most of our programs, and get inspired by ASEAN success stories. Whether you’re beginning your startup journey, scaling a startup, or just interested in the ASEAN startup ecosystem, we hope this will be of value to you. Here’s to building a more exciting future together!"

– Andrew Vranjes, Head of Startup Ecosystem, ASEAN, AWS
– Priya Lakshmi, Head of Startup Sales, ASEAN, AWS

What's inside?

Chapter 1: Fast Start to Building on AWS
Whether you’re new to cloud, or just new to AWS, this section will guide you to understand AWS services and will highlight common use cases we often help startups achieve such as building your web or mobile app, running containers, and more.

Chapter 2: AWS Startup Programs
Beyond our infrastructure services, we offer a broad range of programs and events to launch, grow, and scale your startup effectively. Discover these opportunities.

Chapter 3: Building on AWS: Startup Success Stories
Hear from the CTOs and VPs of Engineering of Tokopedia, Love Bonito, Canopy, StashAway and ShopBack on how they’ve grown and innovated quickly with AWS. Learn from ASEAN top startup's case studies.

Is it for you?

If you are a startup founder, builder, innovator, entrepreneur or anything in-between, this guide is for you. We've got you covered with information relevant for business and tech profiles.

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