Unlock innovation beyond the constraints of your on-premises capacity

Hear from AWS and NVIDIA leadership, and AWS customers, partners, solution architects, and product teams about what makes AWS the best place to run your Healthcare & Lifesciences high performance computing applications. From genomics, imaging, drug discovery to computational chemistry learn tips and tricks to maximize performance, scale, and lower costs. Also learn how you can accelerate your workload with NVIDIA GPUs to get to results faster. On AWS and with NVIDIA GPUs, you can get around to doing what you have always wanted to do – solve big complex problems without worrying about the constraints of cost and capacity. Join us as we share how organizations can increase the pace of innovation, unlock the potential of data, and personalize the healthcare journey.

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100,000+ databases migrated to AWS 10,000+ data lakes and data warehouses deployed on AWS Hundreds of thousands of customers rely on AWS Databases

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Event Agenda

45 mins Keynote
  Track 1 - Get started: Moving your data to the cloud Track 2 - Building apps with modern databases Track 3 - Get started: Building your data lake Track 4 - Analyzing and getting insights
40 mins Migrate your Oracle and SQL Server databases to Amazon RDS (200) Which database to choose: Pick the right purpose-built database for the job (200) How to go from zero to data lake in days (200) Amazon Redshift use cases and deployment patterns (400)
Migrate your on-premises Data Warehouse to Amazon Redshift (200) Building large scale data-driven apps with AWS databases (300) Picking the right analytical engine for your needs (200) Processing Big Data with Hadoop, Spark, and other frameworks in Amazon EMR (300)
40 mins Why cloud databases like Amazon Aurora are more scalable and reliable (300) Extreme Performance at Cloud Scale: supercharge your real-time apps with Amazon ElastiCache (300) Breaking the silos: Extending your DW to your data lake (300) Scalable, secure log analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service (200)
Deploying open source databases on AWS (200) Databases for building business-critical enterprise apps (300) Big data in the era of heavy privacy regulations (200) Scalable, secure log analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service (200)
40 mins Why cloud databases like Amazon Aurora are more scalable and reliable (300) Extreme Performance at Cloud Scale: supercharge your real-time apps with Amazon ElastiCache (300) Breaking the silos: Extending your DW to your data lake (300) Scalable, secure log analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service (200)
50 mins Customer spotlight 1: How iRobot built the Roomba to use real-time data to smartly clean your home - 45 min or Customer spotlight 2: Equinox’s Data Warehouse modernization journey - 45 min Conclusion - 5 min


  • Fireside chat with Ian Colle, General Manager of AWS HPC, and Kimberly Powell, VP of Healthcare at NVIDIA, on the latest trends of HPC in the healthcare life sciences market
  • Join this session to hear about AstraZeneca’s mission to modernize and accelerate the drug discovery process. AstraZeneca describes how it has built a world-leading data driven drug discovery pipeline combining High Performance Computing, Kubernetes and AI/ML with CICD best practices for automation, scalability and reproducibility. Attend this session to learn how AWS can be used to build large-scale processing pipelines to process and analyze billions of potential drug candidates using physics based computational chemistry calculations.
  • Learn about University of Sorbonne's strategy for the high-resolution modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 virus components using molecular dynamics. This session will detail the various protein targets that are currently under study, show you how the newly developed multi-GPUs version of the Tinker-HP software can offer access to simulations with unprecedented accuracy. See how the Tinker-HP package can be powered by an arbitrary large number of GPUs, to reduce simulation time from years to days.
  • Using OpenEye Scientific’s Orion™ molecular design cloud platform to Gigadock,™ Beacon Discovery — a world leader in G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) drug discovery — rapidly identified 2 novel chemical entities and more than 30 potent hits for known GPCR targets. To quickly identify novel active compounds for known GPCR targets in Orion, the Beacon Discovery team used structure-based virtual screening through OpenEye’s Gigadock functionality — which performs massively parallel molecular docking through tens of thousands of CPUs at Amazon Web Service — to rapidly screen the Enamine REAL collection of 2.5 billion commercially available molecules.
  • Structura will present how computational solutions for single particle cryo-EM are being used across the pharma/drug discovery industry today, including how cloud systems are enabling new real-time remote data processing workflows for scientists.
  • NVIDIA Clara Imaging is a cloud-ready healthcare application framework for AI-powered imaging, and includes full-stack GPU-accelerated libraries, SDKs and reference applications for developers, data scientists and researchers to create real-time, secure and scalable solutions. It includes AI-Assisted Annotation, which provides APIs and a toolkit to bring AI-assisted annotation capabilities to any medical viewer. In this session, Brad Genereaux will step through these services and how they work together within the AWS ecosystem to enable developers to construct complete solutions.
  • Come learn how AWS and NVIDIA can accelerate startups working at the intersection of healthcare, life sciences, and AI. We will share business and technical resources, and feature nference, a leading biotech startup building a neural network platform to synthesize biomedical knowledge. AJ Venkatakrishnan, Senior Director of Scientific Research and Partnerships, will share how nference's "Augmented Curation Platform Enables Real-Time Analysis of COVID Patient data".
  • NVIDIA Clara Parabricks Pipelines is an accelerated compute framework for genomic analysis, focusing on short-read next generation sequencing technologies. This suite of tools supports analysis workflows for germline, somatic, and RNA applications, transforming sequencing read data into variant call files in minutes as compared to hours and days for analogous pipelines run on a CPU. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of Parabricks Pipelines along with several customer stories showing how they have implemented the software in projects from de novo variant detection to pathogen detection to population studies.

Session Details

  • Track1 Session 1
  • Track2 Session 1
  • Track3 Session 1
  • Track4 Session 1
  • Track5 Session 1
  • Track6 Session 1
  • Track7 Session 1
  • Track8 Session 1
  • Track9 Session 1
  • Track10 Session 1

Track1 Session 1

Migrate your Oracle and SQL Server databases to

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track2 Session 1

Migrate your Oracle and SQL Server databases to

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track3 Session 1

Tab 3 content

Nulla eleifend felis vitae velit tristique imperdiet. Etiam nec imperdiet elit. Pellentesque sem lorem, scelerisque sed facilisis sed, vestibulum sit amet eros.

Track4 Session 1

Tab 4 content

Integer ultrices lacus sit amet lorem viverra consequat. Vivamus lacinia interdum sapien non faucibus. Maecenas bibendum, lectus at ultrices viverra, elit magna egestas magna, a adipiscing mauris justo nec eros.

Track5 Session 1

Tab 5 content

Nulla eleifend felis vitae velit tristique imperdiet. Etiam nec imperdiet elit. Pellentesque sem lorem, scelerisque sed facilisis sed, vestibulum sit amet eros.

Track6 Session 1

Tab 6 content

Integer ultrices lacus sit amet lorem viverra consequat. Vivamus lacinia interdum sapien non faucibus. Maecenas bibendum, lectus at ultrices viverra, elit magna egestas magna, a adipiscing mauris justo nec eros.

Track7 Session 1

Tab 7 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track8 Session 1

Tab 8 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track9 Session 1

Tab 9 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track10 Session 1

Tab 10 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Multiple City Registration

  • JAN 21 2020
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Learning Objectives:

  • Introduction to AWS RoboMaker Simulations
  • Learn to run large-scale simulations using AWS RoboMaker
  • Learn how robotics companies are using RoboMaker to test code before deployment
  • Learn how to build ROS application CI/CD pipelines with simulation on AWS

To learn more about the services featured in this talk, please visit: https://aws.amazon.com/robomaker/

Session Proficiency Levels Explained

  • Level 100


    Sessions will focus on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic

  • Level 200


    Sessions will focus on providing best practices, details of service features and demos with the assumption that attendees have introductory knowledge of the topics

  • Level 300


    Sessions will dive deeper into the selected topic. Presenters assume that the audience has some familiarity with the topic, but may or may not have direct experience implementing a similar solution

  • Level 400


    Sessions are for attendees who are deeply familiar with the topic, have implemented a solution on their own already, and are comfortable with how the technology works across multiple services, architectures, and implementations

Quis Nostrud Exercitation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est. laborum.

Excepteur Sint

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elit, sed do ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eaconsequat. Duis aute irure dolor in.

Featured Speakers

  • Ian Colle

    General Manager of AWS HPC

  • Kimberly Powell

    VP of NVIDIA Health Care

  • Rob Czarnecki, Principal Product Manager Tech, AWS Outposts

  • Meena Gowdar, Principal Product Manager Tech, AWS Outposts

  • Kishore Inampudi, Sr. Product Manager Tech, AWS Outposts

  • Tatiana Cooke, Sr. Product Manager Tech, AWS Outposts

  • Matt Lewhess, Principal Developer Advocate, AWS Outposts

  • Matt Luker, Principal Engineer, AWS Outposts

Customer Highlights

Epic Logo Image
Yelp Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Airbnb Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Lyft Image