Are you ready to level up your re:Invent experience? We invite you to an exclusive Games reception that promises an evening of excitement, camaraderie, and pure gaming fun! Mark your calendars for November 28th, 2023, at the prestigious Villa Azur in the heart of Las Vegas.

Event Highlights

Opening Remarks: AWS Games Leader, Dan Carpenter, will kickoff the event and share insights from the year.

Networking: Mingle with fellow industry peers, AWS Games leaders, and other gaming enthusiasts. This is a prime occasion to exchange ideas, forge new partnerships, and expand your professional network.

Delicious Eats & Drinks: Indulge in an abundance of delectable food and drinks to keep your energy high throughout the evening.

Interactive & Fun Gaming: Whether you're a game developer, casual gamer or a seasoned pro, prepare for an evening of interactive and exhilarating gaming experiences. Challenge your colleagues, meet fellow industry enthusiasts, and ignite your passion for gaming and technology.


Villa Azur Las Vegas, 3327 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV 89109


RSVP Today!

Space is limited. This exclusive event is only to all Game Industry re:Invent attendees. Secure your spot by registering today. Let's play, connect, and celebrate the gaming spirit together. See you at Villa Azur during re:Invent 2023!

Please note that registration operates on a “first come, first served” basis. All attendees must have a re:Invent conference pass, registration is limited.

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  • sunt culpa qui officia deserunt Mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga
100,000+ databases migrated to AWS 10,000+ data lakes and data warehouses deployed on AWS Hundreds of thousands of customers rely on AWS Databases

Breaking barriers—Leading to survive and thrive in the next cycle

AWS ExecLeaders is an exclusive in-person event at the Pelican Hill resort in Newport Beach, California. The event brings business leaders and technology innovators together to explore the theme of ‘Breaking Barriers.’ You’ll hear from those leaders who are pushing the boundaries to disrupt their organizations, and their own ways of working, to innovate and thrive.

We'll explore the fundamental elements that have allowed some of the most innovative names in business today to optimize their organizations. You will discover what it took for these leaders to redefine norms in their businesses, shatter glass ceilings, and uproot entrenched ways of thinking. These leaders effectively changed behaviors to drive efficiencies and deliver better outcomes for their customers.

Event Agenda

45 mins Keynote
  Track 1 - Get started: Moving your data to the cloud Track 2 - Building apps with modern databases Track 3 - Get started: Building your data lake Track 4 - Analyzing and getting insights
40 mins Migrate your Oracle and SQL Server databases to Amazon RDS (200) Which database to choose: Pick the right purpose-built database for the job (200) How to go from zero to data lake in days (200) Amazon Redshift use cases and deployment patterns (400)
Migrate your on-premises Data Warehouse to Amazon Redshift (200) Building large scale data-driven apps with AWS databases (300) Picking the right analytical engine for your needs (200) Processing Big Data with Hadoop, Spark, and other frameworks in Amazon EMR (300)
40 mins Why cloud databases like Amazon Aurora are more scalable and reliable (300) Extreme Performance at Cloud Scale: supercharge your real-time apps with Amazon ElastiCache (300) Breaking the silos: Extending your DW to your data lake (300) Scalable, secure log analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service (200)
Deploying open source databases on AWS (200) Databases for building business-critical enterprise apps (300) Big data in the era of heavy privacy regulations (200) Scalable, secure log analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service (200)
40 mins Why cloud databases like Amazon Aurora are more scalable and reliable (300) Extreme Performance at Cloud Scale: supercharge your real-time apps with Amazon ElastiCache (300) Breaking the silos: Extending your DW to your data lake (300) Scalable, secure log analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service (200)
50 mins Customer spotlight 1: How iRobot built the Roomba to use real-time data to smartly clean your home - 45 min or Customer spotlight 2: Equinox’s Data Warehouse modernization journey - 45 min Conclusion - 5 min

Session Details

  • Track1 Session 1
  • Track2 Session 1
  • Track3 Session 1
  • Track4 Session 1
  • Track5 Session 1
  • Track6 Session 1
  • Track7 Session 1
  • Track8 Session 1
  • Track9 Session 1
  • Track10 Session 1

Track1 Session 1

Migrate your Oracle and SQL Server databases to

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track2 Session 1

Migrate your Oracle and SQL Server databases to

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track3 Session 1

Tab 3 content

Nulla eleifend felis vitae velit tristique imperdiet. Etiam nec imperdiet elit. Pellentesque sem lorem, scelerisque sed facilisis sed, vestibulum sit amet eros.

Track4 Session 1

Tab 4 content

Integer ultrices lacus sit amet lorem viverra consequat. Vivamus lacinia interdum sapien non faucibus. Maecenas bibendum, lectus at ultrices viverra, elit magna egestas magna, a adipiscing mauris justo nec eros.

Track5 Session 1

Tab 5 content

Nulla eleifend felis vitae velit tristique imperdiet. Etiam nec imperdiet elit. Pellentesque sem lorem, scelerisque sed facilisis sed, vestibulum sit amet eros.

Track6 Session 1

Tab 6 content

Integer ultrices lacus sit amet lorem viverra consequat. Vivamus lacinia interdum sapien non faucibus. Maecenas bibendum, lectus at ultrices viverra, elit magna egestas magna, a adipiscing mauris justo nec eros.

Track7 Session 1

Tab 7 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track8 Session 1

Tab 8 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track9 Session 1

Tab 9 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track10 Session 1

Tab 10 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Multiple City Registration

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The Resort at Pelican Hill®
22701 Pelican Hill Road South, Newport Coast, CA 92657

Map of Resort at Pelican Hill


Welcome Reception

Monday, November 27, 5:00 - 9:00 pm, Beethoven Meeting Room
Encore at Wynn, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109

Join us for this New to AWS Welcome Reception, where you can connect with peers from similar size organizations that are early in their journey with AWS. Meet with cloud experts, connect with peers, and receive guidance on what to expect in the week ahead so you can get the most out of your time at re:Invent.

Customer Panel and Innovation/Transformation Roundtable Lunch

Tuesday, November 28, 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Brahms 3 Meeting Room
Encore at Wynn, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109

This two hour session will begin with an Customer Panel discussion facilitated by AWS Leadership around their recent innovation and transformation journey in the cloud. Amazon has a peculiar approach to innovation that is intrinsically linked to how we use technology, and organize our teams. We recognize that culture is a force multiplier for the outcomes that matter most — and when properly harnessed, it becomes a powerful differentiator. This event will bring together a cross-section of business leaders for an interactive deep dive discussion to share ideas and learnings about finding growth and building resiliency through a culture of innovation. Join us for this exclusive discussion around how we innovate at Amazon and gain insights from your with executive peers to learn about their experiences.

**Role eligibility must meet Director Level and above. Subject to availability.

Meet the Partners / Experts Roundtable Breakfast

Wednesday, November 29, 8:00 - 10:00 am, Beethoven 1 Meeting Room
Encore at Wynn, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109

Join us for an exclusive event with AWS Partners at re:Invent! We’re thrilled to invite you to a dynamic two-hour session where you can explore with partners a potential plan for innovation, digital transformation, and the latest technology trends. The unique aspect of this event is that you have the freedom to choose your path. Prior to the event, you will be able to work with your account manager and pick from one of the 20/30-minute sessions with AWS Partners, each focusing on a specific topic of your interest. Whether you’re looking to optimize your cloud infrastructure, dive into AI and machine learning, or fortify your cybersecurity strategy, our partners are here to provide tailored guidance and answer your questions. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, network with industry leaders, and take your business to the next level. Save the date and get ready to make the most of your two hours with us.

**Role eligibility must meet Director Level and above. Subject to availability.

Working Backwards Workshop

Wednesday, November 29, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Brahms 3 Meeting Room
Encore at Wynn, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109

“Working backwards” is the peculiar, customer-centric mechanism that lies at the heart of every product and service we develop at Amazon. This mechanism helps enable innovation across the organization, ensuring that everything we develop maintains a relentless focus on the customer and their needs. Join us in a conversation about this mechanism and learn more about how we use five customer questions and a future press release (PR-FAQ) format to think deeply about our customers’ needs, clarify customer benefits, and invent on their behalf.

**Role eligibility must meet Director Level and above. Subject to availability.


Migration Acceleration

Wednesday, November 29, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Brahms 3 Meeting Room
Encore at Wynn, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109

Transform with AWS—leveraging our unmatched experience and proven solutions to drive success at every step of your migration journey. Join this session for a fireside chat with a customer on their own migration experience. Following the fireside chat, network with other technical leaders and AWS experts, and learn how AWS provides operational and technical capabilities you need for a successful migration.

**Subject to availability

Builders Connect

Thursday, November 30, 8:00 am - 10:00 am, Beethoven 1 Meeting Room
Encore at Wynn, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109

New to AWS Builder Connect will offer one-on-one engagement with technical and business decision makers and builders facilitated by AWS Solutions Architecture to discuss current challenges, identify the people-process-technology gap, learn about their partner ecosystem, long- and short-term priorities, and current cloud initiatives. Amazon is committed to driving customer-centric values and innovation and drives a relentless pursuit of understanding and simplifying customers problems. This event will bring together technical leaders and provide an open and interactive forum to deep dive into new ideas and innovation to transform business. Join us for this exclusive engagement and unlock the potential of innovating and building together on AWS.

**Subject to availability

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Quis Nostrud Exercitation

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  • Mahesh Pasupuleti, VP, ML/Data, Poshmark

  • Murali Vridhachalam, VP of Cloud Data and Analytics, Gilead Sciences

  • Sean Baumann, CTO and VP Digital Engineering, Thermo Fisher

  • Alla Simoneau, Worldwide Growth Segment Leader, AWS Innovation and Transformation Programs, AWS

  • Matt Wood, VP of Databases, Analytics & AI, AWS

  • Miriam McLemore, Former CIO at The Coca-Cola Company, AWS Enterprise Strategist

  • Paul Fryer, Head of WW Solutions Architecture, Retail, AWS

  • Rich Hua, Worldwide Head of EPIC Leadership, AWS & Founder of EQ@Amazon, AWS

  • Tom Godden, Former CIO of Foundation Medicine, AWS Enterprise Strategist

  • Ujjwal Ratan, Leader, ML and Data Science, Healthcare and Life Sciences, AWS

  • Valerie Delva, Worldwide Head, Data/AI/ML Strategy & Solutions, AWS

  • Anish Kerjiwal, Head of Data Analytics, Lyell Immunopharma

Join us in Las Vegas

Villa Azur located in The Palazzo at The Venetian Resort
3327 S Las Vegas Blvd UNIT 2900, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm PT

00 days, 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds

Customer Highlights

Epic Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.

Epics Games

Yelp Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Airbnb Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Lyft Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.



Q: Can you attend the reception without a re:invent conference pass?

A: No, you must have a re:Invent conference pass in order to attend.

Q: Is there a cost to attend the reception?

A: Great news! The reception is included at no additional cost with your re:invent conference pass.

Q: Will food and beverages be provided?

A: Of course! Enjoy passed appetizers, carving stations, and an open bar during the event.

Q: Can I share the invitation with others?

A: Absolutely! Please share the invitation with your Gaming industry friends and colleagues and encourage them to RSVP.