加入 ISV 雲市集

ISV SaaS Marketplace powered by AWS

AWS Activate Program is a free program open to startups that empowers you to innovate, build, and grow. With $1,000 USD in AWS Activate credits*, $350 USD in Developer Support credits, and best practice architectural guidance, you can quickly get started on AWS, go to market faster, and lower your costs. Whether you are just getting started, or already building on AWS, AWS Activate helps you go further.

*AWS Activate credits are subject to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms & Conditions.

Eligibility criteria

To apply to AWS Activate Program, your startup must meet the following criteria:

- Have an active AWS Account
- Startup must be less than 5 years old
- Startup must be unfunded or funded (up to and including Pre-Seed, Angel, Seed, and Series A)
- A valid LinkedIn profile (applicant)
- A valid company website or web profile
- Have not previously received credits from AWS Activate Founders^ or Portfolio package

^ Not applicable for startups who are affiliated to an Activate provider or backed by institutional funding

數位化時代來臨,如何透過軟體力量優化流程效率、敏捷快速的提升業務能量,已成為企業強化競爭力的必要策略,觀察全球產業發展趨勢,SaaS (Software as a Service, 軟體即服務) 逐漸為各領域業者重視,其中優勢包含以下:


根據 IDC 的調查報告指出,全球有 72% 的企業強烈考慮將內部應用程式 SaaS 化,不過 AWS 也發現,多數企業對於建置 SaaS 的目標設定、架構部署、組織調整等各環節仍不甚了解,對此 AWS 台灣推出了在地 ISV 雲市集計劃(ISV SaaS Marketplace)協助企業推廣自身服務!

加入 ISV 雲市集有什麽好處?

1)上架您的服務簡介於 ISV 雲市集網頁
2)申請高達 $300 美元 AWS 抵用金
3)AWS 廣告免費宣傳
4)AWS SaaS 指南電子書露出
5)AWS 合作夥伴龐大經銷體系協助銷售

立即申請加入 ISV 雲市集!