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Quis Nostrud laboris Exercitation ullamco

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea. commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt. culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat

  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos
  • Ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum Deleniti
  • atque corrupti quos dolores et quas Molestias excepturi
  • sint occaecati cupiditate non Provident, similique
  • sunt culpa qui officia deserunt Mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga
100,000+ databases migrated to AWS 10,000+ data lakes and data warehouses deployed on AWS Hundreds of thousands of customers rely on AWS Databases
Capture insights and your customers' hearts.
Learn how to use Amazon Connect to build an agile, customer-centric contact center that can transform your customer experiences with game-changing cloud technologies and machine learning.
Hear directly from industry experts in customer service, customer experience, and contact center technology. Learn where the future of customer experience is headed and how to be in the best position to adapt and implement quickly and efficiently by leveraging Amazon Connect to accelerate customer experience innovation with the cloud.
Explore contact center best practices and have all your questions answered during our live Q&A. Save your virtual seat today!

Don’t just see
into the future
— act on it.

This event is perfect for business and technical decision-makers who want to make real, actionable impacts in the lives of their customers and contact center agents.

Who would benefit:

» Line of business leaders
» Customer experience directors
» Customer support directors
» Contact center developers
» Internal IT leaders

Event Agenda

We'll start the day at 9AM PT (12PM ET) with opening remarks and a keynote session. At 10AM PT (1PM ET), you'll be able to join your choice of business or technical-focused sessions.

Opening remarks and keynote:

Welcome & Introduction
9 AM - 9:05 AM PT  |  12 PM - 12:05 PM ET
Join us as Amazon Connect Specialist Victoria Webster kicks off the event with a welcome and introduction.
Victoria Webster
Amazon Connect Sales Specialist,
Keynote Fireside Chat
9:05 AM - 9:35 AM PT  |  12:05 PM - 12:35 PM ET
Sit down with Amazon Connect VP/GM Pasquale DeMaio as he shares his vision for Amazon Connect, what customers can be doing now to optimize their customer and agent experiences, and the latest innovations for Amazon Connect.
Pasquale DeMaio
Amazon Connect VP/GM,

Achieving Customer Amazement
9:35 AM - 9:45 AM PT | 12:35 PM - 12:45 PM ET
Follow Shep Hyken, Customer Experience Expert at Shepard Presentations, as he walks through his top 10 findings from his ACA Study - where he surveyed over 1,000 consumers to find out their thoughts on customer service and customer experience (CX).
Shep Hyken
Customer Experience Expert,
Shepard Presentations

Choose from business or technical sessions:
For a full side-by-side view of sessions in both tracks, click here.
  • Business Track
  • Technical Track
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Track5 Session 1
  • Track6 Session 1
  • Track7 Session 1
  • Track8 Session 1
  • Track9 Session 1
  • Track10 Session 1

Business Track

Optimize your contact center and workforce with actionable insights (Level 100)
10 AM PT - 10:30 AM PT   |   1 PM ET - 1:30 PM ET

Hear how Ameriflex is using Amazon Connect to make data driven decisions that can improve agent performance and customer experiences. Learn how managers can optimize agent productivity with ML-powered automation for workforce forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling. Understand how they can assess more agent/customer interactions using automated performance evaluation forms populated by conversational analytics.


Anjanette DeCoudreaux - VP, Project Management, Ameriflex

Jing Zhang - Sr. Business Development Manager, Amazon Connect, AWS

Analyst insights: Customer service trends & predictions for 2023 and beyond (Level 100)
10:30 AM PT - 11 AM PT   |   1:30 PM ET - 2 PM ET

Today's CX leaders face the ongoing challenge of improving customer experiences and reaching customers with more empathy. This comes at a time when business outcomes are more scrutinized than ever. Hear Max Ball, Principal Analyst at Forrester, share the latest customer service trends for 2023 and what you can be doing now in pursuit of business success for the rest of the year and beyond.


Max Ball - Principal Analyst, Forrester

11 AM PT - 11:15 AM PT   |   2 PM ET - 2:15 PM ET

Operational Excellence: A culture of innovation (Level 100)
11:15 AM PT - 11:45 AM PT   |   2:15 PM ET - 2:45 PM ET

Innovating through operationally busy times - from Cyber Monday to tax season to summer travel - demands successful collaboration across an organization. It’s more than just a few meetings and shared objectives – innovation requires a cultural mindset shift. Listen in as an Amazon leader shares Amazon's culture of innovation and provides perspective on obsessing over customers and letting data lead the way in driving operational excellence.


Choong Lee - Head of Innovation Programs, AWS

Partnering up: Crafting a magical customer experience in mere days (Level 100)
11:45 AM PT - 12:15 PM PT   |   2:45 PM ET - 3:15 PM ET

In this session, CX experts and current AWS Software Partner of the Year, Local Measure, will give you a practical guide on how to create magical omnichannel customer experiences (in mere days) that delight your customers and unlock hidden efficiency and cost savings in your business.


Jonathan Barouch - Founder & CEO, Local Measure

Hannah Milborrow - Chief Product & Technology Officer, Local Measure


How we've delivered better CX outcomes (Level 100)
12:15 PM PT - 12:45 PM PT   |   3:15 PM ET - 3:45 PM ET

How can you leverage the latest Amazon Connect innovations to improve the customer and agent experience? Hear from an Amazon Connect customer as they share how they've delivered tangible business results with Amazon Connect. You'll leave inspired about how to get started, harness the power of the cloud, and innovate continuously with Amazon Connect.


Charles-Albert de Magistris - VP Operations, Telus Health

Stephen Ng - VP Technology Enablement, Telus Health

Carrie Niddrie - AABG Delivery Lead, Accenture


Take your next step towards the future of customer service
12:45 PM PT - 1 PM PT   |   3:45 PM ET - 4 PM ET

Curious about how to get started? Hear the next steps you can take today to optimize your customer experience outcomes.


Victoria Webster - Amazon Connect Sales Specialist, AWS

Technical Track

Raise the bar on quality management and improve agent performance with ML/AI powered automation (Level 100)
10 AM PT - 10:30 AM PT   |   1 PM ET - 1:30 PM ET

Looking for more AI-driven efficiencies to help agents perform at their best? Learn how to use conversational analytics for automatic scoring to reduce bias and streamline the agent evaluation process. Reduce the need for managers to do manual reviews by using task-based evaluation routing to automate distribution of evaluations, and drive more efficiencies in your contact center.


Greg Thomas - Scaling Solutions Architect, Amazon Connect, AWS

Rob Pittfield - Principal Scaling Soloutions Architect, Amazon Connect, AWS

Personalize customer service with an omnichannel approach (Level 100)
10:30 AM PT - 11 AM PT   |   1:30 PM ET - 2 PM ET

Today's customers value fast, personalized service, no matter what channel they choose. In this session, learn how to personalize every touchpoint, optimize your customer engagement strategy with channels like SMS and outbound campaigns, and reduce costs by offering the right channel at the right time.


Hannah Bloking - Specialist Solution Architect Manager, Amazon Connect, AWS

Nelson Martinez - Solutions Architect, Amazon Connect, AWS

11 AM PT - 11:15 AM PT   |   2 PM ET - 2:15 PM ET

Increase agent productivity with guided workflows (Level 100)
11:15 AM PT - 11:45 AM PT   |   2:15 PM ET - 2:45 PM ET

How can you help your agents know what to do and when? Providing discrete next steps for agents based on current context (such as a lost order) can help increase agent productivity and improve customer satisfaction. In this session we will show how Amazon Connect step-by-step guides help agents through actions to resolve an issue, such as initiating a replacement order, based on customer history and context from call queues and IVR responses.


Elaine Mah - Solutions Architect, Amazon Connect, AWS

Chad Hendren - Principal Solutions Architect, AWS

Learn how a leading freight brokerage automated their contact center with the help of AWS partner ScaleCapacity (Level 100)
11:45 AM PT - 12:15 PM PT   |   2:45 PM ET - 3:15 PM ET

In this session, learn how a leading freight brokerage leveraged Amazon Connect and its integration with AWS partner ScaleCapacity to implement a self-service solution and reshape its entire business process to deliver a better agent and customer experience.


Vijay Musaligari - SVP and Technical Lead on the project, ScaleCapacity
Bryan Marquez - Sr. Cloud Engineer, ScaleCapacity


How we've delivered better CX outcomes (Level 100)
12:15 PM PT - 12:45 PM PT   |   3:15 PM ET - 3:45 PM ET

How can you leverage the latest Amazon Connect innovations to improve the customer and agent experience? Hear from an Amazon Connect customer as they share how they've delivered tangible business results with Amazon Connect. You'll leave inspired about how to get started, harness the power of the cloud, and innovate continuously with Amazon Connect.


Charles-Albert de Magistris - VP Operations, Telus Health

Stephen Ng - VP Technology Enablement, Telus Health

Carrie Niddrie - AABG Delivery Lead, Accenture


Take your next step towards the future of customer service
12:45 PM PT - 1 PM PT   |   3:45 PM ET - 4 PM ET

Curious about how to get started? Hear the next steps you can take today to optimize your customer experience outcomes.


Victoria Webster - Amazon Connect Sales Specialist, AWS

Day 3

Day 4

Track5 Session 1

Tab 5 content

Integer ultrices lacus sit amet lorem viverra consequat. Vivamus lacinia interdum sapien non faucibus. Maecenas bibendum, lectus at ultrices viverra, elit magna egestas magna, a adipiscing mauris justo nec eros.

Track6 Session 1

Tab 6 content

Integer ultrices lacus sit amet lorem viverra consequat. Vivamus lacinia interdum sapien non faucibus. Maecenas bibendum, lectus at ultrices viverra, elit magna egestas magna, a adipiscing mauris justo nec eros.

Track7 Session 1

Tab 7 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track8 Session 1

Tab 8 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track9 Session 1

Tab 9 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Track10 Session 1

Tab 10 content

Organizations today are looking to free themselves from the constraints of on-premises databases and leverage the power of fully managed databases in the cloud. Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that you can use to run your choice of database engines including open source engines, Oracle, and SQL Server in the cloud. Amazon RDS automates time-consuming database administration tasks and adds capabilities such as replication and Multi-AZ failover to make your database deployments more scalable, available, reliable, manageable, and cost-effective. This session covers why you should consider moving your on-premises Oracle & SQL Server deployments to Amazon RDS and the tools to get started.

Multiple City Registration

  • JAN 21 2020
    Sunt in Culpa
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    Sunt in Culpa
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  • JAN 21 2020
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  • JAN 21 2020
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  • JAN 21 2020
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The Meteropolitian
233 south wacker drive, 67th floor, Chicago, Illinois 60606

Sessions will focus on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic Sessions will focus on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic Sessions will focus on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic Sessions will focus on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic

Session Proficiency Levels Explained

  • Level 100


    Sessions will focus on providing an overview of AWS services and features, with the assumption that attendees are new to the topic

  • Level 200


    Sessions will focus on providing best practices, details of service features and demos with the assumption that attendees have introductory knowledge of the topics

  • Level 300


    Sessions will dive deeper into the selected topic. Presenters assume that the audience has some familiarity with the topic, but may or may not have direct experience implementing a similar solution

  • Level 400


    Sessions are for attendees who are deeply familiar with the topic, have implemented a solution on their own already, and are comfortable with how the technology works across multiple services, architectures, and implementations

Day 1: Tuesday, October 4

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM PT   |  12:00 PM - 3:30 PM ET

Hear from contact center visionaries and learn how to improve customer experiences using innovative technology.

Day 2: Wednesday, October 5

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT   |  12:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET

Learn how to optimize workforce productivity and performance, personalize customer experiences, and build a scalable contact center on Amazon Connect.

Quis Nostrud Exercitation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est. laborum.

Excepteur Sint

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elit, sed do ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eaconsequat. Duis aute irure dolor in.

Featured Speakers

  • Pasquale DeMaio

    General Manager, Amazon Connect

  • Victoria Webster

    Amazon Connect Sales Specialist

  • Shep Hyken

    Customer Experience Expert
    Shepard Presentations
  • Max Ball

    Principal Analyst
  • Carrie Niddrie

    AABG Delivery Lead
  • Hannah Bloking

    Sr. Solution Architect Manager
  • Rob Pittfield

    Principal Solution Architect
  • Nelson Martinez

    Sr. Solution Architect
  • Elaine Mah

    Solution Architect
  • Raju Gulabani, VP of Databases, Analytics & AI, AWS

    Raju Gulabani is VP of Databases, Analytics & AI within AWS at Amazon.com. He is responsible for P&<, product management, engineering and operations for Database services such as Amazon Aurora and Amazon DynamoDB, and Analytics services such as Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR, as well as AI services like Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition. Prior to joining Amazon in his current position in 2010, Raju spent four years at Google and built the Google Apps business (now known as G Suite).Earlier in his career, Raju founded an Intel backed Wi-Fi Voice over IP company as well as held engineering management positions at Microsoft.

  • Ryan Kelly, Data Architect, Equinox

    Ryan Kelly is a data architect at Equinox, where he helps outline and implement frameworks for data initiatives. He also leads clickstream tracking which helps aid teams with insights on their digital initiatives. Ryan loves making it easier for people to reach and ingest their data for the purposes of business intelligence, analytics, and product/service enrichment. He also loves exploring and vetting new technologies to see how they can enhance what they do at Equinox

  • Richard Boyd, Cloud Data Engineer, iRobot

    Richard Boyd is a cloud data engineer with the iRobot Corporation’s Cloud Data Platform where he builds tools and services to support the world’s most beloved vacuum cleaner. Before joining iRobot, Richard built discrete event simulators for Amazon’s automated fulfillment centers in Amazon Robotics. His previous roles include cyber warfare systems analyst at MIT and research for the Center for Army Analysis. He holds advanced degrees in Applied Mathematics & Statistics.

Customer Highlights

Epic Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.

Epics Games

Yelp Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Airbnb Logo Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.


Lyft Image

Epics Games’ entire analytics platform runs on AWS. Billions of game events, like player interactions on the map, their accuracy, damage taken and dealt, and what resources they are using are all sent to AWS.



  1. Where is AWS Innovate hosted?
  2. What is the price of attending AWS Innovate?
  3. Who should attend AWS Innovate?
  4. How do I get the certificate of attendance?
Q: Where is this event?

A: This event is an online event, hosted by AWS on the INXPO platform.

Q: Who should attend this event?

A: Developers building data-driven apps; DBAs and data engineers who are building analytics infrastructure and data pipelines; Analysts and data scientists who are deriving insights that answer complex business quesions and building/trainining machine learning models.

Q: How much does this event cost?

A: There is no cost to attend this event.

Q: What are the prerequisites before attending the event?

A: There are no prerequisites for attending the event. We encourage attendees to browse the Database and Analytics pages on the AWS website to get a brief overview of the services available to them.