Making machine learning work for you.

At AWS, we help you put today’s most innovative tools and technologies to work for your business needs. When it comes to big data services, we won’t offer you an “off-the-shelf” approach that may or may not satisfy your needs. Instead, AWS can help you build virtually any big data analytics application you want, and support whatever workload you have. Which means when you’re ready to put big data to work, we’ll help you find a solution that works explicitly for you.

Machine Learning transforms healthcare and insurance.

In this Forbes Insights article to see how healthcare giant Philips and UK-based reinsurer Aon Benfield are leading their respective industries in machine learning and deep learning. Find out how they’re using AI to:

  • Accurately predict patient care needs

  • Calculate the best returns on a variable annuity

  • Perform trillions of simulations in the cloud

Plus: See how the cloud makes even the most advanced AI projects technologically and financially viable.