Windows Modernization Discovery

An actionable roadmap to modernize Windows & Microsoft workloads on AWS

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Windows Modernization Discovery Workshop Details

Discovery Workshop, 1-2 days:
Phased, action-oriented plan with corresponding analysis to identify key outcomes and activities, with associated timeline/effort measures.
Cloud Architecture and High Level Design, 2-5 days:
The cloud architecture and high level Design for the modernized Windows Workloads.
Business Case and Executive Presentation, 2-5 days:
A C-Level ready info pack to support the Windows Modernization business case.
Next Steps:
Cloudreach will help you navigate the next steps necessary to initiating and executing your modernization project.
$40,000 (Eligible for AWS funding to off-set costs)

Start your journey today

Get started on your Windows and Microsoft workload modernization. Contact Cloudreach to learn about how to earn quick wins and create business value with cloud-native application development services.

About the APN Partner

Cloudreach is a leading global cloud services provider helping companies navigate their unique journeys to the cloud. As a cloud native company we think differently and deliver unrivaled value for over 1,000 enterprise clients.