Accelerate time to market and improve reliability

In this eight-part, instructor-led virtual workshop series, you will explore a range of best practices to foster innovative modern application development. These workshops will put you in the shoes of an engineer at Mythical Mysfits, where you will collaborate on and build modern applications. At each stage, you will pair with the key technologies of our AWS APN partners to discover this new way of working. At the end of this lab series, you can expect to have upskilled and broadened your development capabilities.

Virtual Workshop Series Sessions

In this workshop, you’ll unlock the first keys to optimized project planning for agile app delivery. As an engineer at Mythical Mysfits, you are tasked with extending an existing application. You will go through the process of writing stories, estimating story points, and determining what to add to the next sprint. Learn how cPrime helps you innovate quickly and improve communications across the organization.

Join to learn how to:

  • Best practices on how to create an agile work plan
  • How to collaborate using Jira
  • How to plan and re-plan to stay agile

Featured Partner: cPrime

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CI/CD allows you to rapidly deliver features and reduce errors, helping you differentiate your business. At your company, Mythical Mysfits, you are launching a new product and your mission is to deliver that product as reliably, quickly, and efficiently as you can—while delivering features that set your company apart. Using CloudBees CI, you will configure and manage your own Jenkins server on EKS. This master will build, test and deploy a production-ready application on Amazon EKS. In addition, it will publish, create, and push all the infrastructure-as-code requirements for your application to GitHub. This promotes the best practices of DevSecOps combined with GitOps.

Join to learn how to:

  • How small, measurable changes drive agility
  • Move from continuous delivery to continuous deployment
  • How to deliver business value rapidly by releasing new features and functionality to customers faster
  • How to set up configuration-as-code for your CI/CD tooling (CloudBees CI)
  • How to templatize CI/CD pipelines to conform with best practices

Featured Partner: CloudBees

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One aspect of bringing security into your DevOps processes is implementing automated securing scanning as part of your CI/CD. Introducing integrated security scanning and testing as part of the early development cycle improves the security of your software delivery and the compliance of your software, and enhances your operation reliability. At Mythical Mysfits, you cannot compromise on security. Using Snyk, you will learn how to “shift left” your security testing and fix issues as early in your development process as possible. You will need to set up a CI/CD pipeline, deploy a sample application, and automate your security testing. You will learn how to test for common vulnerabilities and exposures in your IDE, Git Repositories, CI/CD process, and production environments.

Join to learn how to:

  • Use the right tools: Static Application Security Testing, Dynamic Application Security Testing, Runtime Application Self-Protection, and Software Composition Analysis
  • Automate compliance requirements into CI/CD pipelines and implement monitoring with auto remediation

Featured Partner: Snyk

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Automating testing into your CI/CD workflow helps you catch issues faster resulting in higher-quality software with increased confidence at a reduced cost. This workshop will teach you how to implement testing earlier in your CI/CD workflow to “shift testing left.” Now your Mythical Mysfits team can fail fast as you are able to detect problems as early as possible in the software development life cycle.

Join to learn:

  • How to fail early & fast
  • How to enable test-oriented software development
  • What are the industry leading solutions and alternatives

Featured Partner: Cognizant

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Infrastructure-as-code allows you to have centralized version control and track changes beyond just application code. Using an integrated development environment (IDE), you can shift left on quality and security. To explore these concepts, you will be taking your new Mythical Mysfits product and deploy it into production. In this workshop, you will get a hands-on introduction to infrastructure-as-code fundamentals and get started by provisioning a simple architecture from the Cloud9 IDE. After the architecture is in place, you will evolve your system into a container-based architecture and deploy serverless components using Pulumi.

Join to learn how to:

  • Use your favorite coding language, IDEs, and CI/CD tools for running your infrastructure-as-code
  • Build your serverless architecture-as-code
  • Audit and secure modern infrastructure-as-code in a container environment

Featured Partner: Pulumi

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Deployment automation is a critical component of CI/CD. By using immutable infrastructure and GitOps development and delivery will help you go faster and reduce errors. As a Mythical Mysfits engineer, you want to better align with your operations team to improve collaboration and share ownership. In this workshop, you will deploy a pipeline and sample application. You will then learn how to automate deployments using infrastructure-as-code (IaC) with Hashicorp’s Terraform to rapidly test and deploy application and infrastructure changes.

Join to learn:

  • Why you should treat infrastructure code as you treat your application code
  • How to codify compliance and policy needs
  • How to stay resilient during major incidents (as Werner Vogles said, “Everything fails all the time”)

Featured Partner: Hashicorp

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Automating your observability can give you better time-to-resolution with faster and more accurate root-cause analysis while improving visibility across distributed systems. Adding AI Ops provides deeper analytics and predictions that can help you avoid outages. For this challenge, you are tasked with the hands-on work to provision AWS resources, install Dynatrace for AWS, and understand the full-stack metrics that are captured. You can expect to learn how to automatically discover applications, services, processes, and host and build a complete dependency map for the entire application environment. You’ll learn how to achieve full end-user application and infrastructure visibility and significantly reduce troubleshooting time with AI.

Join to learn:

  • How to shift left on observability
  • How monitoring and observability are crucial for innovation
  • How to leverage data from multiple systems instead of spending time reacting to issues

Featured Partner: Dynatrace

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Now your new Mythical Mysfits product is up and running and your customers love it. So how do you prepare your organization for scale? Through chaos testing, you’ll be able refine operations procedures frequently, test recovery procedures, and stop guessing at capacity. It allows you to anticipate failure and implement automation to recover faster. In this workshop, you will get a hands-on introduction to chaos engineering. As Mythical Mysfits’ operations lead, you’ll be responsible for keeping product-based microservices architecture up and running during the company’s seasonal changes.

Join to learn:

  • Recommendations for designing chaos experiments that minimize risk and maximize learning
  • How to use chaos engineering to improve your DevOps practice, including tuning monitoring and alerting, setting SLAs and SLOs, and meeting the recommendations of the Well-Architected Framework
  • How to convince your boss by measuring and communicating the value of chaos engineering to others in the organization

Featured Partner: Gremlin

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