About AWS Startup Academy

This series of monthly two-hour sessions is not only for startups at the beginning of their cloud journey, but also for those that are cloud native and want to get more familiar with Amazon Web Services (AWS) services and products. Our technical and business experts that support startup customers like you around the globe, will cover a variety of topics to help you find the tools you need to take your company or project to the next level.

Our AWS Solutions Architects will also be available to answer your questions live.

Events details

Dates & Time

Thursday, May 21st
Tuesday, June 16th
Thursday, July 9th

10am-12pm WEST/11am-13pm CET



AWS Startup Academy Sessions:

Security, job 0

Thursday, May 21st Bad guys never sleep. On this session we wil explain to you how to prevent attacks with services like Amazon GuardDuty and Amazon SecurityHub, avoid sensitive information leaks with Amazon Macie, and manage accesses and users with AWS IAM.
10:00 -12:00 GMT


Accelerate your product development with Machine Learning

Tuesday, June 16th On the first part of this session we will do a 360º on the high level ML services: Amazon Personalize, Amazon Forecast, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Textract, Amazon Rekognition and use cases. On the second part we will dive deeper into Amazon Sagemaker.
10:00 -12:00 GMT

Boost your applications on AWS containers

Thursday, July 9th Simply starting your microservices in a Docker container is not enough for a robust architecture! This session starts with microservices and container basics and explains how to do it right. Why you should run your containers in the cloud, how to do so, and what options you have. I'll demonstrate you the AWS container services that you can choose from such as Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS, give you a guide which one you should pick, and talk about best practices and open source tools you should know. This session is for those who care about container workloads.
10:00 -12:00 GMT

Register Now!

Pick one or more sessions, and fill out the form below to register: